Thursday, July 14, 2005

Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy: How does the Federal Government balance its books when there are 2 CIAs?

Does it not strike one the oddish way “intelligence” seems to work during Bush's first term?
The CIA tells Bush that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. However, CIA Director George Tenet says the Niger uranium claim should have been left out of the State of the Union speech.

Robert Novak tells the “CIA” in July 2003 that he is going to write that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, is a CIA operative and suggested sending him (Wilson) to Niger. In September, the CIA requested, the Justice Department launches a criminal probe into the leak of Plame's identity.
There appears to be 2 “CIAs”. I wonder if that “other” “CIA” is Rumsfeld's Pentagon's “CIA”? I wonder how long the Pentagon's “CIA” was in operation?

“Rove told the grand jury that by the time Novak had called him, he believes he had similar information about Wilson's wife from another reporter but had no recollection of which reporter had told him about it first.”

Question 1) What did Rove do when he was told that a reporter had information about a CIA operative? Did he tell his Boss (BUSH)? If he told Bush, then what did Bush suggested he do? Did he tell the CIA? If Rove told the CIA, then which “CIA” did he informed? Did Rove informed the FBI? If that were the case, then why is this investigation in its second year? As far as we know, Rove blabbed to another reporter (Cooper).

The general gist is that Rove did not believe that particular information was of importance that required him to keep it “close to his chest”. If this was the case, then shame on Rove, but a bigger blame is to be placed on Bush for not taking action (firing Rove). This means that Bush lied to the American public and that the Downing Street Memo was correct.

If Bush was informed and he gave the OK to play politics with a CIA operative then this again shows that Bush lied to the American public and that the Downing Street Memo was correct.

Novak said that there were two Bush administration officials. Since there is no news coming out of the White House, I'm going to stick my neck out and wonder out loud if that other official worked with the Pentagon and it was that person whom Rove told (that other “CIA”). Bush is in charge of the White House, supposedly. Which means, again, that Bush lied to the American public and that the Downing Street Memo was correct.

Question 2) Why is it that the CIA missed the UN's Food for Oil program scandal? Or did they? If I was a intelligence analyst, notice I did not say “a CIA” analysis (under the Bush administration, the CIA are a group of morons), I would have loved the opportunity to get an inside track that such a program would have presented. The oil for food is a direct channel into Iraq. Such a channel would have been priceless if one can use blackmail to gain information. Hence, a very good reason why the police force and intelligence should remain separate. One would want to bring violators to court, the other wants to pump as much information as they can.

It looks like Bush did know that the intelligence gathered on Iraq, was faulty, but ordered the invasion anyway. The faulty intelligence was in fact within the White House, common denominators are Rove and Bush. If Rove knows that the value of intelligence was not worth keeping it to himself, then Bush knows that the intelligence was faulty. Hence, there is a cover up at the White House and Bush is that common denominator.

This political event has just begun. It is time to price some risk into this market. Partisan bickering is going to spill over into the Supreme Court nomination. These two events will combine to suck the “drive of doing the Peoples' business”. This “Leak” from the White House will be carried over into the 2006 election year.

Update July 15, 2005

“The July 11, 2003, e-mail between Rove and then-Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley is the first showing an intelligence official knew Rove had talked to Matthew Cooper just days before the Time magazine reporter wrote an article identifying Valerie Plame as a CIA officer.”

“Rove told the grand jury that by the time Novak had called him, he believes he had similar information about Wilson's wife from another member of the news media but he could not recall which reporter had told him about it first, the person said.”

The question remains; What happened between the first time Rove was informed by this forgotten media person and Novak. There are a lot of holes in this saga.

I bet you the leak came from the Pentagon. Why not? Rumsfeld was in Bush senior's administration during the first Iraq war. A war that a lot of people thought ended too soon. The Pentagon was gathering intelligence about the weapons and strength of Iraq's forces. They knew that there was no WMDs. Rumsfeld saw a chance to settle a dispute once and for all. Wilson's information was an obstacle toward that goal.

Update July 16, 2005

If the information came from the State Department, then the question becomes who is that forgotten media person. Was that media person Judith Miller?

If one believes this article's information “The memorandum was sent to Colin L. Powell, then the secretary of state, just before or as he traveled with President Bush and other senior officials to Africa starting on July 7, 2003, when the White House was scrambling to defend itself from a blast of criticism a few days earlier from the former diplomat, Joseph C. Wilson IV, current and former government officials said.”

The crucial question is now one of “TIME”. When did the leak happened? This is crucial because one should believe that Powell should have been informed before Wilson's trip, not a year later. This implies that Powell was out of the loop. This also implies that the State Department is being used as the scape goat.

I think this is the reason why Miller is sitting in a jail cell. The judge has stated that this is a plot against Wilson.

We are again back to the original question, where did this leak begin. The State Department is now a link, the question can be asked if this was a plot to discredit Powell? We know that there was infighting between State and Defense (Powell and Rumsfeld). Stay tune.

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