Getting back to the fraud Don Obama is hiding - it is the complete meltdown of the Global Financial System and the US Healthcare system. My health insurance went with a low balled bid from Community Health Plan of Washington. I have a Doctor who believes in holistic medicine. I expect Dr C.R. shows up in his witch doctor’s costume and perform his tribal dance. This is where buying GOLD and SILVER comes in: In order to stop class warfare the Democrats are going to make deals. I am saying BIG PORK deals. Don Obama and his Syndicate are going to hide their fraudulent doings by putting in action a policy that hides Financials and the US Healthcare system from going broke.
Yep, US of A is STILL in class warfare. Healthcare is another example of a two tier system. If one does not have a Cadillac plan then for a lower fee one can have a healthcare plan that provides no service. That is want I am in now. Don Obama is going to be a four year Don of the US of A’s Syndicate. Inflation is going to chew out his heart. I do not believe a word from the Economic Data. Like they say - “Lies are Polls, more Polls and Statistics”. Healthcare will go through a deflationary period. It will be faster and cause another meltdown. There is still no force on this planet that will stop it due to the US of A’s lower Wage structure. Democrats are Road Kill.
And No, I do not believe in the household net worth myth.
Viva La Revolucion!!!!
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