Thursday, July 10, 2008

Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy: Corporate Welfare

Dr Gramm has stated the US of A is in a mental recession. Back in the old days, before Don Bush, corporations did not whine. They acted as the free market indicated they should. If corporate leaders wanted their Christmas bonuses they would raise prices and cut labor cost. Our corporate leaders act as if the US government owns them something. Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac need a US government bail out. The Free Market sells first and ask questions later when a fraud is discover.

US airlines act as if they are going to get another US government bail out. Free market principles indicate US airlines should raise ticket prices to meet the cost. Free market principles indicate there is over capacity which should be removed. Recession in the US of A means a reduction of travel which in turn means some of these corporate leaders should loss their jobs. Demand reduction of air travel mileage will eventual lead to reduced jet fuel cost. Problem solved.

What is the structural problem? GE planned to move their manufacturing floor off shore years ago. They knew their tax break would not be renewed. Mega-corporate shareholders are getting a tax break from re-patronize profits and a lower capital gain tax.

Viva La RĂ©sistance!!!

PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

I currently can not prove it formally but, I can show a proof exists.
Let’s take a look at economic elasticity and get an intuitive feel for this equation.

The Jacobian matrix is a representation of the metric tensor g. The metric tensor is operated on the right by some sort of column vector. The metric tensor need not be mysterious. Kinetic energy of a mass on a beam system is given by:

Let’s analyze the mass on a beam from an economist view point. One has two identical mass on a beam system, one on the moon and the other here on earth. The velocities of the system on the moon are lower than that of the earth’s system. Economist would say the earth’s system has a higher productivity than that on the moon. They are in a conservative field, their respective line integrals are zero for a closed path. The distance the mass has to travel is invariant. The metric tensor represents the physics of the system and that has not changed. An economist would come to the conclusion an augmentation is in effect for the earth’s mass on a beam system.

From an economist point of view both systems are the same object whose manifolds represent different states. Moving the frame of reference has, in effect, change the TIME evolution of the system (space and time are not connected).

It is currently believed the first isomorphic theorem is not in effect for groupoids. This due to the fundamental group having one base point and the fundamental groupoids having many base points. The following shows how one can change the base point, through the n winding number, without violating the Lie Algebra.

The path from A to C is the path the Quotient Group’s Lie Algebra would indicate (through the parameter t). Changing the n winding number, at a point, triggered a change of manifold at that point.

Recent events have shown Obama is just as stupid as that buffoon GW Bush. He will win because he is not smarter but because he is not a Republican.

If Obama wants to be a uniter, I suggest Obama stop the social engineering and concentrate on fixing the US of A‘s government. He does not need the Big money. In other words, he does not need K Street.

Viva La Revolucion!

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