Civil War assumes that one side’s preferred government is better. This is not the case in this Fragment Country formally known as the United States of America. The Republican’s Fascism form of government is corrupt as this so called Obama’s Socialist government.
Other reasons why this is going to erupt into an asymmetric war are due to the following events:
- The US Supreme Court created a Fascist Government operating within this so called Democrat government.
- The Federal Reserve acted on its own and with sadistic effects to every US of A citizen, to undermined this so called Democracy by secretly giving $16 trillion U$ dollars to domestic and foreign banks.
- There is a power structure that is now evident in this so called Democracy that is acting to block any form of change that is necessary to place this so call United States of America into the 21st century.
The overall effect of the Revolution is to change the boundaries of North America to something like this:

from What's New
The only good news is after the Revolution the boundaries will change again. Once Mexico absorbs the South West culture of the formally known West Coast, liberal bias people, they will want to join with the United States of Canada.
Jesus Land can engage the few billion people, who are not Christian, in their Holy War. Of course, their Holy War will kill most of their population which will prove Darwin’s Theory of Nature Selection. The United States of Canada will conquer and convert them to the Scientific Principle of the Universe.
In the end there will be a United States of North America.
Both sides can come to an agreement that they were being undermined and work together. The United States is no longer a Free Market economy. The source of wealth is not labor but, the US of A’s government.
Domain Co-Domain/Domain Co-Domain
Selling and Buying of Governments Wealth
Goods and Services
Congress and the President can regain control of the Federal Reserve and the large banks by noting the fact that the head of these institutions were before Congress giving testimony about their businesses. In the case of Bernanke, he has to appear before the House and the Senate twice a year. Each time he appeared before the House and kept the bailouts a secret he was lying to the House about the TRUE state of the US of A's economy. Dito to the Senate. Every year Bernanke appeared before Congress and kept the bailouts a secret, he can be charged with 4 counts of perjury.
No Stable US of A government implies there will be no expansion of wealth.
Viva La Revolucion!!!!
Update on the Federal Reserve's Bailout.
Time will tell whether the Fed bailed out the banks to the tune of $16 trillion dollar$ or the Fed promised to guarantee $16 trillion dollar$. Guarantee a payout is a behavior modification. Reality dictates that the Fed can not set prices. Nor can they make people buy American. Take for example Solar Cells (Solyndra). The most efficient cells may be made in the US of A however, if the imports from China work at a lower price, then business competition points toward the low cost solution.
In reality, Spokane, Wa (where I live) has the following problems with this region's Investor Class
- It's poverty stricken. Friends and Family have little to no disposable income.
- Our investor class will not compete with China because there is no protection of intellectual property rights.
- Our investor class will not compete with India because because India's low cost labor will undercut the return of capital investment.
- Political Cleansing is in progress.
- Religion has trumped Economic Development.
I wouldn't be a bit surprise that the real interest rate paid goes to zero after tax lawyers get to it. Heck, the US of A may owe these banks a refund.
Viva La Revolucion!!!!