Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy: The Inflationary Spike
The Federal Reserve does not mandate the use of Libor. Libor is just a financial service provided to those who do not want to deal with currency fluctuation. If Wall Street wanted a lower “Libor” rate then one of those rich Petro countries can recycle their Petro-dollars (or China can become a “Real Capitalist” country) and set up a competing service.
This global recession is going to be longer and deeper than the bunch of Fascist on Wall Street, Washington DC and the Beltway Boys think. Mark to Market is not the problem; it’s the accounting fraud that took place in the GSEs Fannie and Freddie. Their fraudulent behavior changed Lenders and Borrowers behavior.
Viva La Revolucion!!!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy: “Global Slavery”
The “Right Wing” is mad now that Krugman won the 2008 Noble Prize in Economics (Click on Scientific Link). I will not go into the political aspics of Krugman point of view however; I will use his theory and the convolution of work forces to show that the “race to the bottom” did not increase the global wealth as measure by an increase in the wealth of the labor force.
The gist of the economy of scale when it comes to intra/inter trade is that productivity of the “system” is high such that the labor forces’ disposable income has increase to the point in which a consumer class has been created, if none exists. Or the expansion of a pre-existing labor force by return of investment capital.
India is an example in which the combination of a Democracy and the migration of the labor into urban areas has created a consumer class.
China is an example in which a command economy has ignored “free market principles” and control the labor class to meet the needs of the Communist Party or should I say their continuing hold onto power.
Homeomorphism: Let X and Y be topological spaces. A function h : X -> Y is said to be a homeomorphism if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:
- the function h : X -> Y is both injective and subjective (so that the function h : X -> Y has a well-defined inverse h(-1) : Y -> X)
- the function h : X -> Y and its inverse h(-1): Y -> X are both continuous.
Two topological spaces X and Y are said to be homeomorphic if there exists a homeomorphism h : X -> Y from X to Y.
Path Lifting Theorem see Course 212 Topology.
Hence the reason why I keep the property of the market manifold as a simply connected manifold. This allows a compact Lie group be the representation of economic elasticity. This also allows the use of the Universal Covering Theory to show that the base point need not be separated by a f o g = h given a parameter t (time).
The point I will like to make is that if a homeomorphism exists then the fundamental groups are not unique. In other words, if I can show disconnecting space and time is a valid homeomorphism then the base points can be collapsed into one point. Krugman’s work shows this is valid.
The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra: Let P : C -> C be a non-constant polynomial with complex coefficients. Then there exists some complex number z(0) such that P(z(0)) = 0.
From the view point of an economist, consumers’, firms’ and governments’ policicies changes the eigenvector of economic elasticity, which in turn becomes the selection rule. The N-Winding number has, in effect, changed the velocity of the local economy which can be described as a change in the local economy’s geodesic. It is also to be noted that changing the N-Winding number can be accomplished by the re-parameterizing t (time). Change the time evolution of risk to reward can accomplish the same transformation of the local economic geodesic. N-Winding number is the common homeomorphism that connects the eigenvector problem with time.
Now you know why Central Banks are committing trillion$ of $ to save the global financial system. It looks like a lot of financial Chiefs thought housing was a new wealth mechanism instead of good old fashion work by the wealth of a Nation (labor interaction with capital). It has been said the Free Market has a way of communicating problems. The Free Market is screaming right now.
A new economic policy is needed. I believe Bush should address the Nation a stress that wealth is created by the interaction of capital with labor. He should also stress there is nothing wrong with local communities taking action independently and in parallel with the actions of government. Entrepreneurs can go to the investment community for startup money. Not all entrepreneurs can go to the debt market.
The “Right Wing” will not like giving small business a healthcare subsidy, but both sectors need it. Small business needs it to survive the recession and healthcare needs it to prevent the loss of critical mass. I will not worry about the massive debt the US government is taking on because I do believe this administration has made it clear that its response is, in fact, temporary. If a very good, I mean very expensive to the nation debt, long term (2 year) package is signed into law then we can make a profit.
Viva La Revolucion Toward Fat Cat Lies!!!!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy: “We Demand The Truth and Full Accountability”
Find your backbone and stand your ground. Force this administration to account for “Alt A”.
Viva La Résistance Toward Government Bailout Without Full Accountability!!!
Viva La Revolucion Toward Fat Cat Lies!!!!